Thursday, January 27, 2011

Agile Development Project Tracking

Agile development projects are perhaps the best thing to hit for web-based applications since the Internet. Keeping track of them with a distributed team, however, can be a real bugger. Thankfully there's a group of people out there who have overcome the considerable hurdle of distributed agile development. Pivotal Labs, makers of many a web app solution, have graciously provided their project tracking tool to the rest of us. Pivotal Tracker is the best solution to the problem I've seen. While it is hosted, it is free for Open Source project users and the fee for closed source projects isn't prohibitive for most small teams. I've been using it for some work projects and I must say that it is definitely worth the effort of looking into.

Well done, guys!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Android Market on AVD 2.3 Emulator

I posted a while back that there was a way to get the Android Market installed on the AVD emulator for versions 1.5 and 1.6. It turns out there's a slightly less troublesome way to do it for 2.3 now:

Happy cross-app usage!